Best Ways To Grow a Smarter Business and Be A BETTER Leader

  1. Do you know exactly what you want from your business?
  2. Do you have the resources in place to grow the business?
  3. Do you have an explicit plan of action to grow the business?

Each question requires a specific set of resources that many business owners do not have in place. You can grow your business smarter without working harder. Together we can plan, build, and integrate the right resources to meet your business goals.  Change your life, improve your business through the power of People Process Workflow.

John Whaley PMP, MBA
Small Business Advisor, Mentor, and Coach

Your Options To Bring On The Growth

No long recruiting, hiring, or onboarding process: 3 ways to put my experience to work…

Temporary Business Developer (MBA)

I will document and clarify the best opportunities around your business based on your vision for growing revenue, profit, and returns.

Contract Project Manager (PMP)

I will drive your existing vision forward through the proven framework of the Project Management Institute (PMI) one project at a time.

Business Growth Specialist (BDPM)

I manage the planning, development, and integration of the resources needed to create manageable business growth.

Schedule a meeting now
to discover how we can help you grow a smarter business and be a better leader!

Power To Your People...

Partnered For Your Success

Basic Tools Every Leader Needs To Support, Share, and Successfully Empower Those Around Them. Our Expertise With These Platforms Will Expedite Your Transition!

Visual Documentation

Prepare | Plan

Growth Planning Tool

Retain | Recruit

Do It Document it Delegate It

Build | Bridge

success framework

Without A Custom Process Workflow You Are Flying Blind In Your Business

Do You Want Results Or Advice?

Have you missed growth opportunities because you felt overwhelmed by the endless advice of coaches, advisors, and experts? We are less talk and more action. We share the responsibility and work of growth with you. Balance advice with results.

Are You Protecting The Business Or Your Ego?

Have you worked hard to learn more about improving your business but only found more unanswered questions? We are here to build a smarter business so you are not trapped in the business as a smart owner. A smarter business will feed your needs as an owner.


Define Your Why

Research The What

Analyze The Who

Plan Your How

Execute / Integrate




Your ability to empower your team with the best tactical actions require strategic planning on your part. You should have a systematic approach to guiding your team towards your defined business goals. Join the thousands that have experienced the transition from work on to in your business

Do you want a coach, advisor, mentor, guru, expert, or project manager to grow your business?

There are people who share ideas and then we have folks that get things done. What will help your business move forward?

Watch this video to better decide who you need to grow your business.

Stop Investing In Costly Expansions. Start Investing In Smart Growth.
We integrate the resources to meet your Growth goals and vision.


Growth Project Category Types

Revenue Based (Effectiveness)

Meet your top-line goals through resources that build effective market access and customer awareness.

Profit Driven (Efficiency)

Drive up your bottom-line through projects that improve the business workflow team efficiency.

Returns Focused (Goal)

Establish the resources to improve your returns on a specific value through better leadership and networking up.


Clarity is the most important contribution you make to business growth.

Workflow Assets

Advice and coaching can't replace the assets your business needs to flow.

Outcome & Results

We service those that need action more than advice for business growth.

To Grow Your Business or Yourself?

That is the million-dollar question for our Hero

While most business programs and services focus on making you a smarter business owner, we chose to build a business based on creating smarter businesses.  Smarter businesses become self-sufficient, but smarter business owners often become trapped in the business.  I manage and drive the development of assets and resources that produce sustainable growth through your business.

About Me

John Whaley MBA, PMP - Business Development Project Manager @ EEHOUR LLC
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Babson Facilitator - Wellesley, MA

Bring Your Vision To Life

Business consultants, coaches, advisors, mentors, classes, workshops, programs, and seminars are great for helping you discover new ideas and perhaps keeping you accountable. That said, we are a business development-project management firm, our core mission is to convert your great-sounding ideas, concepts, and business plans into strategic action steps that lead to measurable results that align with your vision. The people we work best with do not need more great advice or trendy ideas; they need someone by their side that will get things done. We plan, build, and integrate the resources you need to reach your operational business goals. We manage your next action step.

Our focus is on planning and integrating ROI strategies, problem-solving, logical structuring, financial analysis, market research, business process, digital transformation, go to market strategies, business model expansions, exit strategies, and family succession planning.

The following section outlines our high-level agile project management professional workflow we customize to reach your vision:

• Lead efforts to analyze, evaluate and formulate recommendations/ next steps on a variety of strategic initiatives; Establish a business case/ financials associated with the business vision; Document the business development project charter and create clarity amongst everyone involved with the project development and business operations.

• Drive market/industry research and benchmarking efforts to quantify and define the value proposition associated with business initiatives.

• Organize the structured use of data-driven analysis to quantify problems and identifies solutions across a variety of functional areas such as operations, marketing, human resources, technology, finance, and quality management.

• Develop, manage, monitor, and control project plans that specify goals, strategy, staffing, scheduling, risk identification, contingency plans, budgets, and resource allocations.

• Maintain effective and efficient communication of the business project materials with the internal and external team/partners for consensus on goals, timelines, budgets, and resource deployment required to meet the objectives.

• Detect and resolve risks and issues through the duration of the business development project. Use metrics and data to determine risk at the beginning of each project and assess risk throughout to detect situations that may cause financial risk to the project initiative and its timely completion.

Life is as hard or easy as you want it to be...

Hello I'M


Socioeconomic Translator, Business Architect, Vision Mapper, Entrepreneur, Employee, Advocate, No BS Kind of Guy! If at first, you don’t succeed, it’s because you did it wrong, ask Google a Better Question and get a business development project manager to help you become a smarter leader through a smarter business.


Life Lessons Learned and Shared "Mapping Success Training"


Leadership, Health and Fitness, Team Work, Practices, Influence, Position, and Roles


Evidence Base Research, Communication, Project Management, and Financial Responsibility


Checklists, Discipline, Environment Based Planning, Mental Focus, and Continuous Learning


Empathy, Dedication,
Sharing, Giving, Listening, Learning, Spokesperson, Educator


Center of Influence, Mindset, Expectations, Practice Set, Skillset, Toolset, and Outcomes

Discover My Best Resource For Reaching Goals In Life

Get UnStuck Vision Mapping - Learn Once, Apply It Forever!

Reach your goals faster and with better results when you discover the best practice of thinking, seeing, and sharing your vision through process mapping. No goal, objective, or vision is too big or too small. Performance Packages start as low as $2,500 for 2 months of training and support. Limited spaces click the “Get UnStuck Now - Purchase Button” below to transition from I don't know what to do - to creating and sharing unlimited opportunities for growth and improvements. I am sharing what works for me, because I know my framework will work for you! - Money Back Guaranteed.